Ultimate Performance Lifstyle

about me

Dan Sommer engaged in a coaching session, demonstrating his skills as a transformational life coach

I am Dan Sommer, a Professional Transformational Life-Coach

Dan Sommer is a Successful Entrepreneur, Transformational Life-Coach, and Mountaineer living in Denmark who loves sharing knowledge and helping others on the topic of living your Ultimate Performance Lifestyle.
Dan Sommer is a passionate person who will go the extra mile and over-deliver. He is on a Mission to Inspire, Motivate, and Empower people World-Wide to fully live their life and enjoy an Ultimate Performance Lifestyle; Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually.
During his 29-year career, Dan has consulted, coached, and taught in 23 countries and territories, on 4 continents.


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My Services :

Do you need help to get your life in order?

Dan Sommer has a treasure of world knowledge and experience arount the world in projects ranging from life guidence, quality certification of companies to counter-terrorism services around the world

Life Coaching
Financial Planning
Goal Achieving
Workout and food plans
Public Relations assistance
TOTAL clients
TOTAL Review


What are the 

A life coach is someone who counsels and encourages clients through personal or career challenges. A life coach helps guide clients to reach their ultimate goals.

A life coach can help individuals in different areas of their life. But because each human being is different, so will their goals. Oftentimes, a life coach counsels clients in personal and professional arenas. This means career, personal development, relationships, nutrition, divorce, grief, and even financial wellness.

Here are a few things to read through about how to start your life transformation

So often we sit around, thinking about how unhappy we are about one thing or another. We wonder, “How do I change?” without putting effort into it. We blame our circumstances or make excuses for why we can’t change – at least not right now. Here’s a secret: The only person capable of changing your life for the better is you.

You are the only person who can go to the gym, talk to your partner or start your own business. You are the only person who knows how to change your life. So why don’t you?

Fear comes in many forms – but all of them are limiting beliefs. These are the beliefs you hold about who you are and what you’re capable of. And they’re the only thing that holds you back from embracing how to change yourself. Here’s how to overcome your fears, make a decision and fully commit to it – no matter what.

Self-doubt is often a part of our negative internal monologue. “Maybe I shouldn’t really do this,” we think. “Maybe it’s not a good idea.” We ask ourselves over and over again if we should bother lifting weights or eating better. It’s not going to work anyway, is it? You’ve done it before and it didn’t work then. And everyone has a job they don’t like. Failing would be terrible, so you don’t even make an effort. Eliminating these negative beliefs and replacing them with empowering ones is the first step toward how to change your life.

Fear of failure is another common limiting belief that prevents us from fully committing to our goals. The key to following through when you’re committed to change is to fight off your fear of failure. Of course you’re afraid; any sort of change can be frightening. But if you fail to even make an attempt, then you’ll be exactly where you’ve always been. You might not fail, but you also won’t grow. You won’t learn. Shift your mindset to think of failures as learning opportunities and your whole world will change

If for some reason the services we offer is not what you were looking for, then yes we can offer a full refund on courses and other services within a set period of time.

I’m often asked how coaching is different than mentoring, consulting, and counseling.I answer that question and shed light on how to make sure you are choosing the right person for your needs and goals.

Since the coaching profession is an unregulated field, many people call themselves coaches when in fact they are mentors, counselors, consultants or even teachers. Those are admirable roles and serve a distinct purpose. 

Before you choose who you work with … decide what you really want and need. For example,

  • Do you need help processing something hard from your past?
  • Do you need someone to show you how to build your business?
  • Do you need someone to teach you how to do a new skill?
  • Do you need someone to help you prepare for marriage?

If you said yes to any of those questions, you don’t need a coach. You need a counselor, a consultant, mentor or teacher.

What is a Coach?

Coaching is set apart by the way a coach approaches a conversation with a client. Coaches do not teach but help you through a process of discovery by using active listening skills, asking powerful questions, expanding thought processes, identifying limited beliefs, designing action steps and following up.

Keith Webb, a leading expert in the field of coaching says it this way:

To most leaders, professional coaching practices are counter-intuitive. Take a look at these characteristics:

  • Coaches don’t talk, they listen.
  • Coaches don’t give information, they ask questions.
  • Coaches don’t offer ideas, they generate ideas from clients.
  • Coaches don’t share their story, they tap into the client’s experience.
  • Coaches don’t present solutions, they expand the client’s thinking.
  • Coaches don’t give recommendations, they empower clients to choose.

How many times have you tried a new career path, a new diet, or a new hobby, and yet nothing feels like it’s working out? Even though you’ve tried countless different options, you still end up feeling stuck. Almost everyone has experienced this frustrating feeling, regardless of their background, their current situation, or their goals.

If you’re asking yourself “Why do I need a life coach?”, then this is precisely why — setting goals and staying accountable can be hard.

A life coach is someone who can help you see where your life is right now while also helping you create a vision of where you want it to go and a plan to get there. Throughout the process, a personal life coach will not only help guide you, but they will provide you with the support you need throughout this journey. What does a life coach do? In short: what the client needs.